Dr. Chastain finishes his side of the debate with the Doctrine of Security of the Believer. We hope that you have enjoyed the complete debate between Dr. Chastain and a Church of Christ representative Dr. Hoyt Chastain, one of the great Baptist preachers and faithful servant of our Lord, was born May 20, 1914 and…
Dr. Chastain covers the doctrine of Child security and security of the believer in this portion of the debate. Brother Hoyt Chastain was born May 20, 1914 in Joestown Ga. He passed from this life September 26, 2007 after a life time of service to his Lord. These lectures are part of his legacy that…
Dr. Chastain shines in this segment of the debate as he brings out many Greek words to back up his side of the debate. We have made all 8 30 minute videos available here on discovertheword.net. Kevin Pirnie promised Dr. Chastain that he would get this debate out for all to hear and see if…
Dr. Hoyt Chastain was one of the greatest old time Missionary Baptist preachers who ever lived. This set of debates he had with a Church of Christ representative was among the best that Dr. Chastain ever did. The subject here is Calvanism and the Church after Pentecost Dr. Chastain passed from this life September 26,…
In 1998, Dr, Hoyt Chastain participated in a series of debates with a representative from the Church of Christ. This is his fourth 30 minute talk during those debates. Dr. Chastain explains that all Baptist are not the same. As a matter of fact many churches called Baptists are not Baptist at all. …
In 1998, Dr, Hoyt Chastain participated in a series of debates with a representative from the Church of Christ. This is his third 30 minute talk during those debates. The subject is; What would the Bible have to say to make Baptism necessary for Salvation? Dr. Hoyt Chastain was born on May 29, 1914 and…
In 1998, Dr. Hoyt Chastain participated in a series of debates with a representative from the Church of Christ. This is the second speech he made in those debates. The subject is; Is Baptism necessary for Salvation. Dr. Hoyt Chastain was born May 20, 1914 he passed from this life September 26, 2007. He leaves…
In 1998, Dr, Hoyt Chastain participated in a series of debates with a representative from the Church of Christ. This is his first 30 minute talk during those debates. Dr Chastain told Kevin Pirnie that he had prepared for this debate more thoroughly than any other debate that he had ever done and that this…
This week on our tv broadcast we present the final message in Dr. Roger Spradlin’s series of messages on the 23 Psalm. This is a verse of comfort in a world of uncertainty. God provides hope for the future. Please enjoy “Confidence” from Psalm 23:6. Today’s Walk TV
he “Permissive Will” of god doctrine alleges that God “permits” men to sin, while advocates of such an assertion also affirm that “Whosoever MAY come Will Come:” Implying that God does not “permit” everyone to come to His Son Jesus, while others affirm that all things even evil things are decreed by God, even though…
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