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Month: December 2018

Dr. Walter Martin

Who Really Wrote the Book of Mormon?

Dr. Walter Martin gave this presentation in front of live audiences across the country. He later had procured the services of multiple hand writing experts, including those with the highest credentials from the FBI, to analyze relevant hand writing samples. All of the hand writing experts further validated the true origins of the manuscript that…

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Dr. Roger Spradlin

Joseph: Man of Character

One character in the Bible has no recorded word. He is silent. That is Joseph. He’s the borrowed dad of Jesus. He was just a man but had a lot of integrity. In this first of two Christmas messages, Dr. Roger Spradlin explores this side figure who followed God even when it was difficult.  …

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The Wisdom of the World Verses the Wisdom of God

Landmark Baptist Church. Sunday Morning 11/20/16 1 Corinthians “The Wisdom of the World versus the Wisdom of God”      

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Billy Graham

The Time is short

Billy Graham 1982 sermon given at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary “The Time is short” 1 Corinthians 7:29        

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Old Testament Fulfillment in the Christmas Story

In this discussion, Mikel Del Rosario, Drs. David K. Lowery, Gordon H. Johnston, and Darrell L. Bock discuss the birth of Jesus, focusing on the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy in the Gospel of Matthew.     he fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy in the Gospel of Matthew. Timecodes Transcript Darrell L. Bock Dr. Bock…

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Buck Owens

Buck Owens Memorial Service

The memorial service was held at Valley Baptist Church in Bakersfield, California on April 2, 2006.     The service proceeded as follows: Music by The Birds Herb Pedersen and Chris Hillman. Prayer and Introduction by Dr. Roger Spradlin. Larry shotgun Daniel’s eulogy. Buck’s recording the Dust on Moma’s Bible. Buck’s nephew Mel Owens jr….

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Dr. Hoyt Chastain

Dr. Hoyt Chastain Debates Church of Christ Pastor, #8

Dr. Chastain finishes his side of the debate with the Doctrine of Security of the Believer. We hope that you have enjoyed the complete debate between Dr. Chastain and a Church of Christ representative Dr. Hoyt Chastain, one of the great Baptist preachers and faithful servant of our Lord, was born May 20, 1914 and…

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Dr. Hoyt Chastain

Dr. Hoyt Chastain Debates Church of Christ Pastor, #7

Dr. Chastain covers the doctrine of Child security and security of the believer in this portion of the debate. Brother Hoyt Chastain was born May 20, 1914 in Joestown Ga. He passed from this life September 26, 2007 after a life time of service to his Lord. These lectures are part of his legacy that…

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Dr. Hoyt Chastain

Dr. Hoyt Chastain Debates Church of Christ Pastor, #6

Dr. Chastain shines in this segment of the debate as he brings out many Greek words to back up his side of the debate. We have made all 8 30 minute videos available here on Kevin Pirnie promised Dr. Chastain that he would get this debate out for all to hear and see if…

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Dr. Hoyt Chastain

Dr. Hoyt Chastain Debates Church of Christ Pastor, #5

Dr. Hoyt Chastain was one of the greatest old time Missionary Baptist preachers who ever lived. This set of debates he had with a Church of Christ representative was among the best that Dr. Chastain ever did. The subject here is Calvanism and the Church after Pentecost Dr. Chastain passed from this life September 26,…

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