Here is a collection of over 600 baptist history books and documents that have been made available in digital format to read or download. This list was compiled by the John Leland Baptist College in Georgetown, Kentucky.Many of these books are made available by the Google books project and are therefore available on your desktop or mobile device through your Google Books app.
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Links to Over 600 Rare and Hard to Find Baptist History Books Available Online
There are also 89 old Baptist Magazines / Journals here.
And there are 50 old Baptist Commentaries here.
Old Testament
uller, Andrew, Expository Discourses on the Book of Genesis, 1825.
Pink, Arthur W., Gleanings in Genesis, 1922.
Conant, Thomas J., The Book of Job, A Translation from the Original Hebrew. . ., 1856.
Cox, F.A., Outlines of Lectures on the Book of Daniel, 1836.
Spurgeon, Charles H., The Treasury of David, Volume I, 1883; Volume II, 1885; Volume III, 1886; Volume IV, 1885; Volume V, 1886; Volume VI, 1886; Volume VII, 1886.
Conant, Thomas J., The Book of Proverbs, 1872.
John Gill, Song of Solomon, Volume I; Volume II, 1805.
New Testament
Abbadie, Jacquer, & Abraham Booth, The Deity of Jesus Christ Essential to the Christian Religion, 1777.
Abernathy, Alonzo, A History of Iowa Baptist Schools, 1907.
American Baptist Year-Book, 1884.
American Baptist Year-Book, 1898.
American Baptist Year-Book, 1903.
American Baptist Year-Book, 1917.
American Baptist Year-Book, 1918.
American Baptist Year-Book, 1919.
Annual of the Alabama Baptist State Convention, 1914.
ABPS, The Baptist Manual, 1849 – [Designed For The Use Of Families].
Adams, George F., History of Baptist Churches in Maryland . . . , 1885.
Adams, John Q., Baptists, the Only Thorough Religious Reformers, 1854.
Adlam, Samuel, The First Baptist Church in Providence, [RI] Not the Oldest. . . , 1850.
Adlam, Samuel; Graves, J. R., Editor, Trials and Sufferings for Religious Liberty in New England, 1858.
Allen, Ira M., The Triennial Baptst Register, #2, 1836.
Allison, William H., Baptist Councils in America: A Historical Study . . ., 1906.
American Baptist Publication Society, The Baptist Manual: A Selection from . . . Publications of the ABPS, 1849. [18 essays.]
American Baptist Publication Society, Jessie Carey: A Story of Early Piety, 1852.
American Baptist Publication Society Online Book Page: here are 76 Baptist books the ABPS has published. [U Penn Library]
Anderson, Mrs. M. F., The Baptists in Sweden, n.d.
Angus, Joseph, Christ Our Life: In Its Origin, Law and End, 1853.
Angus, Joseph, The Bible Hand-book: An Introduction to the Study of Sacred Scripture, 1856.
Annual Report of the American Baptist Publication Society, 39th, 1863.
Annual Report (72nd) of the American Baptist Home Mission Society, 1904
Armitage, Thomas, A History of the Baptists, 1887
Armitage, Thomas, The Funeral Sermon on the Death of Rev. Spencer Houghton Cone, 1855.
Armitage, Thomas, Preaching: Its Ideal and Inner Life, 1880.
Arnold, Willet H., Historical Sketch of the Baptist Church in Exeter, RI, 1883.
Asplund, John, The Annual Register of the Baptist Denomination in North-America to the First of November, 1792.
Asplund, John, The Universal Register of the Baptist Denomination . . . 1790-1794, 1794.
Backus, Isaac, An Appeal to the Public for Religious Liberty . . ., 1773.
Backus, Isaac, A History of New-England with Particular Reference . . . to Baptists, Volume I, 1777; Volume II.
Backus, Isaac, An Abridgment of the Church History of New England, 1602-1804 , 1804.
Backus, Isaac, The Doctrine of Universal Salvation Examined and Refuted…, 1782.
Baker, John C., Baptist History of the North Pacific Coast, 1912.
Baker, Robert A., Relations Between Northern and Southern Baptists, 1948.
Baldwin, Thomas, The Baptism of Believers only and the Particular Communion of the Baptist Churches, 2nd ed., 1806.
Banvard, Joseph, Priscilla: or Trials for the Truth – An Historic Tale of the Puritans and the Baptists, 1854.
BAPTIST MAGAZINES and JOURNALS, An Index that links to Nineteenth Century Periodicals. (There are 86.)
Baptist Triennial Register for 1836.
Baptist Congress – Eleventh Annual Session Held at FBC, Augusta, GA, 1893.
Baptist Year Book of the Maritime Provinces of Canada [The], 1893.
Beddome, Benjamin, Sermons, with Brief Memoir of Rev. Benjamin Beddome, 1835 [British].
Beeby, W. T., The Anabaptists of the 16th Century and the Baptists of the 19th Century, 1837.
Belcher, Joseph, The Baptisms of the New Testament: Illustrations of the Ordinance. . ., 1848.
Belcher, Joseph, William Carey: A Biography, 1853.
Belcher, Joseph, The Baptist Pulpit of the United States. . .Two Hundred Baptist Ministers, 1853.
Belden, A. Russell, History of Cayuga Baptist Association NY . . ., 1851.
Benedict, David, A General History of the Baptist Denomination . . . Volume I; Volume II, 1813.
Benedict, David, A General History of the Baptist Denomination . . . , 1848.
Benedict, David, Fifty Years Among the Baptists, 1860 [Text Format].
Benedict, David History of the Donatists, 1875.
Biggs, Joseph A Concise History of the Kehukee Baptist Association, From its Original Rise to the Present Time , 1834.
Bitting, C. C., Bible Societies and the Baptists, 1883.
Boardman, George Dana, Civil Government, A Divine Ordinance, FBC Sermon, Phila., PA, 1864.
Booth, Abraham, An Apology for the Baptists, 1808.
Booth, Abraham. The Works of Abraham Booth, Volume I; Volume II; Volume III, 1813.
Booth, Abraham, Paedobaptism Examined: With Replies to the Argument . . . , 1829.
Booth, Abraham, The Reign of Grace, From its Rise to its Consummation, 1838.
Booth, Abraham, Select Works, “Glad Tidings to Perishing Sinners”, &c., 1839.
Boothe, Charles O., The Cyclopedia of the Colored Baptists of Alabama: Their Leaders and …, 1895.
Bracebridge, Charles, Authentic Details of the Valdenses in Piedmont and Other Countries, 1827
Brawley, Edward M. The Negro Baptist Pulpit: A Collection of Sermon and Addresses. . ., 1890.
Broadus, John A., A Treatise on the Preparation and Delivery of Sermons, 1894.
Broadus, John A., Lectures on the History of Preaching, 1902.
Broadus, John A., & Robertson, A. T., A Harmony of the Gospels in the Revised Version with Helps, 1903.
Broadus, John A., Memoir of James P. Boyce, 1893.
Broadus, John A., Sermons and Addresses, 1886.
Broadus, John A., Sermons and Addresses, 1891.
Brooks, Charles H. Official History of the First African Baptist Church, Philadelphia, PA, 1922.
Brooks, John W., A Century of Missions in the Empire State: As Exhibited by the Work and Growth of…, 1909
Brown, J. Newton, The Baptismal Balance, 1853.
Brown, J. Newton, History of the American Baptist Publication Society, 1856
Brown, J. Newton, Memorials of Baptist Martyrs, 1854.
Brown, J. Newton, The Life and Times of Menno: The Celebrated Dutch Reformer. . . , 1853
Brown, Louise F., The Political Activities of the Baptists and Fifth Monarchy Men in England . . ., 1913.
Brumbaugh, Martin G., A History of the German Baptist Brethren in Europe and America, 1899.
Burgess, G. A. & Ward, J. T., Free Baptist Cyclopedia, 1889.
Burleson, Georgia J., Compiler, The Life and Writings of Rufus C. Burleson, 1901. [Texas Baptist]
Burns, Jabez, Mothers of the Wise and Good, 1850.
Burns, Jabez, The Pulpit Cyclopedia – 360 Sermon sketches, 82 Essays, 1851.
Burrage, Champlin, The Early English Dissenters in the Light of Recent Research – (1550-1641), Vol. I, 1912.
Burrage, Champlin, The Church Covenant Idea: Its Origin and Its Development, 1904.
Burrage, Henry S., The Act of Baptism in the History of the Christian Church, 1879
Burrage, Henry S., History of the Anabaptists in Switzerland, 1882
Burrage, Henry S., A History of the Baptists in New England, 1894.
Burrage, Henry S., Baptist Hymn Writers and Their Hymns, 1888.
Burrows, John Lansing, American Baptist Register for 1852, 1853.
Burrows, John Lansing, What Baptists Believe, and Other Discourses, 1887.
Campbell, J. H., Georgia Baptists: Historical and Biographical, 1874.
Carey, Eustace, Memoir of William Carey, D. D., Late Missionary to Bengal . . ., 1837.
Carroll, B. H. An Interpretation of the English Bible, 1948
Carson, Alexander, Baptism in Its Mode and Subjects, 5th Edition, 1860.
Carson, Alexander, History of Providence, 1840.
Carter, Thomas W., Centennial History of the Steuben NY Baptist Association and its . . . , 1917.
Cathcart, William, The Papal System, 1872.
Cathcart, William, The Baptists and the American Revolution, 1876.
Cathcart, William, The Baptism of the Ages and of the Nations, 1878.
Cathcart, William, The Baptist Encyclopedia Volume I, Volume II, 1881. Complete edition.
Cathcart, William, The Ancient British and Irish Churches: Including the Life…St. Patrick, 1894.
Centennial Memorial of the First Baptist Church, Hartford, CT, 1890.
Chalmers, William E., The Baptist Sunday School Standard Manual, 1917
Chessman, Daniel, Memoirs of the Rev. Thomas Baldwin, Late Pastor of the Second Baptist Church in Boston, 1841.
Christian Index, Compiler, Baptist Denomination in Georgia with Bio Compendium and Portrait Gallery…, 1881.
Christian, John T., A History of the Baptists, Volume I, 1922.
Christian, John T., A History of the Baptists, Volume II, 1926.
Christian, John T., Immersion, The Act of Christian Baptism, 1891.
Christian, John T., “Close Communion”, or Baptism as a Prerequisite to the Lord’s Supper, 1892.
Christian, John T., Baptist History Vindicated, 1899.
Clark, Edward, “Letters to a Friend: Containing Thoughts on the Beginning of the New Testament Dispensation and Christian Baptism”, 1792 [Medfield, Mass.].
Clark, George W. & J. M. Pendleton, Brief Notes on the New Testament, 1884.
Clarke, John, Ill-News from New-England, 1652 – Persecution of Baptists.
Clement, J., Memoir of Adoniram Judson, 1854 [Missionary].
Coffey, Achilles & T. J. Carr, A Brief History of the Regular Baptists, Principally of Southern Illinois, 1877.
Conant, Thomas J., The Meaning and Use of ‘Baptizein’ Philologically and Historically Investigated,, 1861.
Conant, Thomas, Autobiography of Rev. Thomas Conant, 1861.
Cone, Edward W., Some Account of the Life of Spencer Houghton Cone, 1859
Cook, R. B., The Early and Later Delaware Baptists, 1880.
Cox, F. A. & Hoby, J., The Baptists: A Narrative of the Deputation . . . to the United States and Canada, 1836.
Cox, Francis A. & James Peggs History of the Baptist Missionary Society From 1792 to 1842, Volume I, 1842; Volume II, 1842.
Cramp, J. M., Baptist History: From the Foundation of the Christian Church to . . . , 1871.
Crane, Cephas B., Bi-Centennial Commemoration of the Re-opening of the First Baptist Church Meeting-House in Boston, 1880.
Cranfill, J. B., Dr. J. B. Cranfill’s Chronicles: A Story of Life in Texas, 1916.
Crocker, Henry, History of the Baptists in Vermont, 1913.
Crosby, Thomas, The History of the English Baptists, Volume I, 1738; Volume II, 1739; Volume III, 1740; Volume IV, 1740.
Crowell, William, The Church Member’s Manual of Ecclesiastical Principles, …., revised edition, 1873.
Cummins, Ebenezer E., Annals of the Baptist Churches of New Hampshire, 1836.
Curtis, Thomas F., The Progress of Baptist Principles in the Last Hundred Years, 1856.
Cushman, R. W., Bowdin Square Baptist Churchbook, 1843. (Boston – Confession of Faith similar to N. Hampshire C of F).
Cushman, R. W., A Pure Christianity the World’s Only Hope, 1845.
Cushman, R. W., A Calm Review of the Measures Employed in the Religious Awakening in Boston, in 1842 – A Sermon, 1846.
Cuthbert, J. H., Life of Richard Fuller, 1879.
Cutting, Sewell S., Historical Vindication: A Discourse on the Province and Uses of Baptist History, 1859.
Dagg, John L., Manual of Theology, Volumes I & II, 1859.
Dargan, Edwin C., Ecclesiology, A Study of the Churches, 1905
Dargan, Edwin C., The Doctrines of Our Faith, A Convenient Handbook , 1905.
Davis, Jonathan, History of the Welsh Baptists, from A. D. 63 to 1770, 1835.
Dayton, A. C., Pedobaptist and Campbellite Immersions, 1858.
Dayton, A. C., Theolosia Ernst; or Heroine of Faith, 4th Edition, 1871.
De Blois, Austen K. The Pioneer School: A History of Shurtleff College, the Oldest … in the West , 1900.
DeLarma, Alfonzo A., History of the First Baptist Church of Norristown, PA, 1897.
Delke, James A., History of the North Carolina Chowan Baptist Association, 1806-1881, 1882.
Denison, Frederic, Notes on the Baptists and their Prinicples in Norwich, CT to 1850, 1857.
Dexter, Henry Martyn, The True Story of John Smyth, the Se-Baptist, as told by Himself. . . ., 1881.
Dickinson, Fenner B., Eighty-Four Years of Baptist History – FBC, Norwich, CT, 1884.
Douglas, David, History of the Baptist Churches in the North of England: From 1648 to 1845, 1846.
Dowson, Henry, The Centenary: A History of the First Baptist Church, Bradford, England, 1854.
Dosker, Henry E., The Dutch Anabaptists, 1921
Dunaway, Wayland F., “Our Mission as Baptists: Address at Raleigh Baptist Association of WV”, 1900.
Duncan, George, Church Life Among the Baptists, 1883
Duncan, R. S., A History of the Baptists in Missouri, 1882.
Duncan, R. S.; W. J. Patrick, ed., Life Story of R. S. Duncan, 1910.
Duncan, William C., A Brief History of the Baptists and Their Distinctives, Principles and Practices, 1855
Dunlevy, A. H., History of Miami Baptist Association from 1797, 1869 (Ohio) – [Text Format].
Dyer, George, Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Robert Robinson, 1796.
Eaton, T. T., Faith and The Faith, 1906.
Eaton, T. T., Talks on Getting Married, 1891.
Eaton, William H., Historical Sketches of the Massachusetts Baptist Missionary Society, 1903.
Edwards, Morgan, Materials Towards a History of Baptists in Delaware State, 1885.
Evans, Benjamin, The Early English Baptists, Volume I, 1862; Volume II, 1864.
Evans, Christmas, Sermons on Various Subjects, 1837.
Evans, Philip S., History of the Connecticut Baptist State Convention, 1823-1907, 1909.
Everett, Sarah Johnson, History of the Baptist Church at Stoke Green, Ipswich, 1871.
Everts, Louis H., The Life of W. W. Everts, D.D., 1891.
Everts, W. W., Concise Comments on Baptism with References Verified, 1890.
Everts, W. W., Pastor’s Handbook: Comprising Selections of Scripture, Arranged…, 1859.
Everts, W. W., Historical Discourse: 125th Anniversary – First Baptist Church, Haverhill, MA, 1890.
Fawcett, John, An Account of the Life, Ministry and Writings of the Late Rev. John Fawcett, 1818
Fawcett, John, A Brief History of the Baptist Church of Hebden Bridge, Yorkshire, England, 1878.
FBC, Cambridge, MA, A Brief History of First Baptist Church, Cambridge, MA, w/ Decl. of Faith, Covenant, List of Members, 1870.
FBC, Ithaca, NY, The Waymark, 1878, Volumes 1 & 2.
FBC, Nashville, TN, Trial of Rev. J. R. Graves, 1858.
FBC, St. Paul, MN, 100 Years of Christian Service, 1849-1949, 1949.
Finn, Albert H., One Hundred Years of Baptist History in Michigan, 1921.
Fishback, James, A New and Candid Investigation of the Question: Is Revelation True?, 1809.
Fitch, E. R., ed., The Baptists of Canada: A History of Their Progress and Achievements, 1911.
Fleming, Robert, Editor, The Georgia Pulpit: Sermons and Essays from Georgia Baptist Ministers, Volume I, 1847.
Ford, David B., New England’s Struggles for Religious Liberty, 1896.
Ford, Sallie Rochester, Ernest Quest: or, The Search for Truth, 1878.
Ford, Sallie Rochester, Grace Truman: or Love and Principle, 1857.
Ford, Sallie Rochester, Mary Bunyan, the Dreamer’s Blind Daughter. A Tale of Religious Persecution., 1860.
Foss, A. T. & E. Mathews, Facts for Baptist Churches, 1850.
Freedom, Charles F., Documentary History of the Struggle for Religious Freedom in VA, 1900.
Frost, J. M., editor, Baptist: Why and Why Not , 1900
Frost, James M., The Moral Dignity of Baptism, 1905
Fuller, Andrew, The Works of Andrew Fuller, Volume I, 1820; Volume II, 1833.
Fuller, Andrew, Brief Narrrative of the Baptist Mission in India, 1811.
Fuller, Andrew, The Gospel Worthy of All Acceptation, 1846
Fuller, Andrew & Ryland, John, The Work of Faith, The Labour of Love. . . in the Life and Death of Andrew Fuller, 1818.
Fuller, Andrew Gunton, Andrew Fuller, 1882.
Fuller, Andrew & Ryland, John, Memoirs of the Late Rev. Samuel Pearce, A. M., 1809
Fuller, Andrew, The Atonement of Christ: And the Justification of the Sinner, 1854.
Fuller, Benjamin F., History of Texas Baptists, 1900.
Fuller, Richard, Baptism, and the Terms of Communion, 1854
Fuller, Richard, Sermons, 1860 – (There are 13).
Fuller, Richard, et. al., The Baptist Praise Book, 1872
Fuller, Thomas O., History of the Negro Baptists of Tennessee, 1936.
Furman, Richard, Exposition of the Views of the Baptists, Relative to the Coloured Population in the United States, 1838
Gadsby, John, A Memoir of the Late William Gadsby, 1844.
Gammell, William, A History of American Baptist Missions in Asia, Africa, Europe & North America , 1854.
Gano, John, Biographical Memoirs of the Late Rev. John Gano, 1806.
Garfield, Thomas E., The First African American Baptist Church in America, 1925.
Gardner, W. W., Modern Dancing: In the Light of Scripture and Facts, 1893.
Gibbs, George, A Defence of the Baptists; or the Baptism of Believers by Immersion…, 1829.
Gill, John, A Collection of Sermons and Tracts in Two Volumes, 1773.
Gill, John, Gill’s Complete Body of Practical and Doctrinal Divinity, 1810. [Abridged]
Gill, John, The Cause of God and Truth, 1838.
Gill, John, Infant Baptism a Part and Pillar of Popery; Revised & Edited by George B. Ide, 1851.
Gillette, A. D., Minutes of the Philadelphia Baptist Association, 1707-1807, 1851.
Goadby, Joseph Jackson, Bye-Paths in Baptist History – (A Collection of Interesting, Instructive and . . . ), 1871.
Goadby, Joseph J., Timely Words: Being Fifteen Sermons, 1869.
Gordon, Ernest B., Adoniram Judson (A. J.) Gordon: A Biography with Letters…, 1896.
Graham, Balus J. W., Baptist Biography, Volume I, 1917; Volume II, 1920.
Graves, Absalom, Graves’ Hymns, Psalms and Spiritual Songs, 1825, PDF file.
Graves, Alfred C., Ministry of Faith: The Ardent Ministry, Times…. of A. W. LaRue, 1865.
Graves, J. R., Old Landmarkism, What Is It?, 1880.
Graves, J. R., The Trilemma, 1860.
Graves, J. R., The Great Iron Wheel, 1855.
Graves, J. R., The Work of Christ in the Covenant of Redemption…Seven Dispensations, 1925.
Graves, J. R., editor, Trials and Sufferings for Religious Liberty, 1858.
Graves, J. R., and John C. Burruss, A Discussion on the Doctrine of Endless Punishment, 1880.
Graves, J. R., Ditzler, Jacob, The Graves-Ditzler Debate , On Baptist / Methodist Doctrines, 1876.
Griffith, John Thomas, Rev. Morgan John Rhys, Welsh Baptist Hero, 1899
Griffiths, Thomas S., A History of Baptists in New Jersey, 1904.
Grime, J. H., History of Middle Tennessee Baptists . . ., 1902.
Guild, Reuben A., Chaplain Smith and the Baptists, or Life, Journal, Letters and Addresses of Hezekiah Smith, 1885.
Guild, Reuben A., Early History of Brown University: Including the Life . . . of President Manning, 1897.
Haines, J. W., The History of the Polk County Association [MO]: with History of Churches, 1897.
Haldane, Alexander, Memoirs of the Lives of Robert Haldane and James Alexander Haldane, 1853.
Hall, J. N., Hall’s Campbellite Catechism, 1898.
Hall, Robert & O. Gregory, The Works of Robert Hall, A.M.: Reviews and Miscellaneous Pieces, 1833.
Halsey, Lewis, History of the Seneca Baptist Association [NY] with Sketches . . ., 1879.
Hansell, George H., Reminisences of Baptist Churches and Baptist Leaders in NYC, 1899.
Harris, Ira Memorial of Ira Harris, 1876 – [NY Baptist]
Harvey, Hezekiah, The Church: its Polity and Ordinances, 1879.
Haskell, Samuel, Heroes and Heirarchs: Or Biblical Principles as Held by Baptists . . . Religious Liberty, 1899.
Hassell, C. B. & S. Hassell, History of the Church of God: From the Creation to 1885, (Primitive), 1886.
Hatcher, Eldridge B., William E. Hatcher, D.D., LL.D., L.H.D.; A Biography, 1915.
Hatcher, William E., John Jasper, The Unmatched Negro Philosopher and Preacher, 1908.
Haynes, Dudley C., The Baptist Denomination: Its History, Doctrines and Ordinances, 1856.
Haynes, Harry, The Life and Writings of Rufus C. Burleson…with Selected Sermons, 1901.
Haynes, Thomas W., Haynes’ Baptist Cyclopaedia, or Dictionary of Baptist Biography, 1848.
Haywood, Oscar, editor, A Century of History in the First Baptist Church, Waterbury, CT, 1904.
Hepzibah, Minutes of the Hepzibah Baptist Association,GA, 1863, [p.13-15 – Circular Letter]
Herbert, Thomas, The Republican Hymn Book, 1845.
Hervey, George W., The Story of Baptist Missions in Foreign Lands: From the Time of Carey. . ., 1884.
Hicks, William, History of Louisiana Negro Baptists, 1804-1914, 1915.
Hillman, Sarah C., A History of the FBC of Haddonfield, New Jersey, 1918.
Hillyer, S. G., Reminiscences of Georgia Baptists, 1902.
Hinton, Isaac Taylor, A History Of Baptism, 1849.
Hiscox, Edward T., The New Directory for Baptist Churches, 1894.
History of the First Baptist Church, Chicago, 1889 – [No author listed.]
Holcombe, Hosea, A History of the Rise and Progress of the Baptists in Alabama, 1840.
Hood, Edwin P., Christmas Evans: Preacher of Wild Wales, His Country, His Times, 1883.
Hooke, Joseph, A Necessary Apology for the Baptized Believers, 1701.
Hovey, Alvah, A Memoir of the Life and Times of the Rev. Isaac Backus, 1859.
Hovey, Alvah, Editor, The Madison Avenue Lectures (NYC), 1867. [18 doctrinal lectures by Baptists]
Hovey, Alvah, Outlines of Christian Theology, 1870.
Hovey, Alvah, Manual of Systematic Theology and Christian Ehtics, 1877.
Howell, Robert B. C., The Deaconship, 1851.
Howell, Robert B. C., The Early Baptists of Virginia: An Address, 1857
Howell, Robert B. C., The Evils of Infant Baptism, 1854.
Howell, Robert B. C., The Way of Salvation, 1856.
Hurlin, Sargent & Wakeman, The Baptists of New Hampshire, 1902.
Illinois Historical, Directory of Negro Baptist Churches in the United States, Volume 1; Volume 2, 1942.
Ivimey, Joseph, A History of the English Baptists, Volume I 1811; Volume II, 1814; Volume III, 1823; Volume IV, 1830.
Ivimey, Joseph, A Brief History of the Dissenters, 1827.
Ivimey, Joseph, Pritchard, George, Memoir of the Life and Writings of the Rev. Joseph Ivimey, 1835
Ivimey, Joseph, Letters on the Serampore Controversy, Addressed to the Rev. Christopher Anderson, 1831.
Jackson, W., One Hundred and Fifty Years of Baptist History at Waltham Abbey, 1880. [England]
Jarrel, W. A., Baptist Church Perpetuity, Or, the Continuous Existence…, 1894.
Jarrel, W. A. The Gospel in Water, or Campbellism, 1886.
Jenkins, Charles A., Baptist Doctrines, 1881.
Jenkyn, Thomas W., Extent of the Atonement in its Relation to God…, 3rd Edition, 1859.
Jeter, Jeremiah B., A Memoir of Mrs. Henrietta (Hall) Shuck, 1850 – [Missionary to China].
Jeter, Jeremiah B., Campbellism Examined and Re-Examined, 1860.
Jeter, Jeremiah B., The Recollections of a Long Life, 1891.
Jeter, Jeremiah B., Baptist Principles Reset, Consisting of Articles on Distinctive Baptist Prinicples, 1902.
Johnson, Livingston, History of the North Carolina Baptist Convention, 1908.
Johnston, Julia H., The Life of Adoniram Judson: Missionary to Burmah, 1813-1850, 1887.
Jones, Horatio G. & J. W. Willmarth, History of the Roxborough Baptist Church of Philadelphia, 1890.
Jones, Tiberius G., The Baptists, Their Origin, Continuity, Principles, Spirit, Polity, Position and Influence, 1860.
Jones, William, An Essay on the Life and Writings of Mr. Abraham Booth, 1808.
Jones, William The History of the Waldenses, 1816.
Jones, William, Ecclesiastical History, Volume I, 1831; Volume II, 1838; Volume III, 1838.
Jordan, Lewis G., Negro Baptist History, U.S.A., 1750-1930, 1930.
Judson, Adoniram, Christian Baptism: A Sermon on Christian Baptism, W/ Many Quotations.., 1846.
Judson, Adoniram, Grammar of the Burmese Language, 1883.
Judson, Edward, The Life of Adoniram Judson, 1883.
Keach, Benjamin, Travels of True Godliness, Revised by Howard Malcolm + Memoir, 1831.
Keach, Banjamin, The Progress of Sin: or the Travels of Ungodliness, 1736.
Keach, Benjamin, Tropologia; A Key to Open Scripture Metaphors . . ., 1858.
Keen, William W., The Bi-centennial Celebration of the Founding of the First Baptist Church…Philadelphia, 1698-1898, 1898.
Kerr, William J., One Hundred Years of Baptist History in Warren, Ohio, 1903
Killam, Edgar. L., The Centennial History of the Wisconin Baptist State Convention, 1944.
King, Alonzo, Memoir of George Dana Boardman, Late Missionary to Burmah, 1848.
King, Henry Melville, Rev. John Myles and the Founding of the First Baptist Church in Massachesetts, 1905.
King, Henry Melville, The Baptism of Roger Williams, 1897.
Kinghorn, Joseph, Baptism, A Term of Communion at the Lord’s Supper, 1816.
Kirtley, James S., You and Your Church, 1920.
Knowles, James D., Memoir of Mrs. Ann H. Judson, Late Missionary to Burmah . . ., 1838.
Landis, William, Baptist Worthies: A Series of Sketches of Distinguished Men. . ., 1883.
Larkin, Clarence, Why I Am a Baptist, 1887.
Lasher, George W., The Ministerial Directory of the Baptist Churches in the U. S., 1899.
Leavell, Z. T. & Bailey, T. J., A Complete History of Mississippi Baptists, Volume I, Volume II, 1904.
Leland, edited by Greene, L. F., The Writings of the Late Elder John Leland, Including Some Events. . . , 1845.
Levy, Edgar M., History of the Newark Baptist City Mission From Its Origin . . . , 1869.
Lewis, Frank G., A Sketch of the History of Baptist Education in Pennsylvania, 1919.
Lewis, John, A Brief History of the Rise and Progress of Anabaptism in England: to Which is Prefixed, Some Accounts of the Learned Dr. Wiclif,. . ., 1738.
Logan, John R., Sketches, Historical and Biographical of the Broad River and King’s Mountain Baptist Assocs, (SC) From 1800-1882, 1887.
Looney, Floyd, History of California Southern Baptists, 1954.
Lorimer, George C., The Baptists in History, 1898.
Louthan, Henry T., The American Baptist Pulpit . . . Beginning of 20th Century, 1903.
Love, J. F., The Southern Baptist Pulpit, 1895.
Lunsford, William, Veterans of the Cross, 1921.
Lynd, Sanuel W., Memoir of the Rev William Staughton, D. D., 1834.
MacArthur, Robert S. & Frank R. Morse, History of Calvary Baptist Church, New York, 1890.
Mallary, Charles D., Memoirs of Elder Jesse Mercer, 1844.
Mann, J. T., The First Church, 1907.
Manly, Basil, The Baptist Psalmody: A Selection of Hymns for the Worship of God, 1850.
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