I was fortunate to hear Michael Gaude, a missionary and pastor in Nicaragua, on the 20 meter amateur radio band a week ago Sunday afternoon. Though I did not have the opportunity to talk with him at that time I heard him discussing the mission work that he and his wife Jackelin are leading in Nicaragua.
God is clearly using them to bring the Gospel to an area hungry to hear it and receive it. Many lives are being touched and changed as people are being saved and giving their lives to Christ frequently. Praise be to God!
Since I did not have the opportunity to talk with Michael on the air, I reached out by email and offered to share their mission work and prayer request on this website. If you are an amateur radio operator, or want to listen by shortwave radio, Michael is on the air on the 20 meter band on14.319 USB every Sunday afternoon from 2:00 pm to 5:pm MST. Michael’s callsign is YN3M.
Below are the prayer requests that were provided, along with some details about their mission work. A link is also provided to their website and details to help support the mission work there. Please be in prayer for Michael and Jackelin and the requests that they have made available. Their needs are real and their support to continue this important work depends on believers like you and me.
Prayer Requests from Missionaries Michael & Jackelin Gaudé
Capilla del Calvario Emanuel Church
Los Cocos, Nicaragua, Central América
April 1,2019
1. Praise report: We have a new web site for our missionary work that just went live last week. Please go to this link: http://calvario-emanuel.com Note: Bible Studies can be downloaded from the site which are from my Sunday Sermons in Spanish. Special thanks to Bill Michling who created our web site.
2. Brother Holman and his wife return to our fellowship. They were living in another city for the last 4 years. Please pray as Holman is looking for a job so that he can live here in Los Cocos.
3. Jackelin’s Aunt Soberana and Uncle Felix now living with us at our home area after being unfairly kicked out of where they lived before. We are not charging them as they are poor and had nowhere else to go. They are so helpful to us and the ministry as well.
4. Electricity bill has gone up across the country. The government said it will continue to rise every month. Our Bill was $200 USD last month, the most we have ever had to pay. We were advised to get the Church building and our water pump on separate meters so we can pay somewhat less each month. We need to purchase long cables from the main Hwy to the buildings. Need for the Lord to provide.
5. Jackelin continues with other sisters help to minister to the children Bible classes and to feed them a meal every Sunday service.
6. The church will have a special outreach night services April 19th & 20th with guest Speaker Pastor Alejandro Zapata. Pray for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and that many would come to know Christ during this event.
7. We are getting ready to visit & evangelize a really poor community where we plan on giving out clothing and food. I have been told that those who live there may not have anything to eat but once every other day.
8. Prayer for our health. Jackelin has been feeling better but she still has a loss of appetite and is under weight. We both had an appointment with the G.I. Doctor last month and had tests taken. Our Doctor is helping me to reduce the medication I have been taking. Please pray that I would be able to get off the med’s entirely.
9. Blessings for Obedience ministry to send us a container with solar panels and deep cycle batteries to help lower the KW hours we consume with the high electric bill. We have never received a container before. Pray that all would go through.
Would you like to support this mission in Nicaragua? You can donate as follows: You can donate on line to us missionaries. Click on the link below to donate with your credit card or PayPal account.
To donate to us on-line via Go! Ministries web page, please click on the below link:
Here is our account information for our Missionary account: Gaudé, Michael & Jackelin Los Cocos, Leon, Nicaragua, account # 1139. For on-line donation.
You can also donate by sending a personal check or money order in the mail:
Simply make your check or money order payable to “Go! Ministries” and mail it to:
Go! Ministries
270 East Palais Rd.
Anaheim, CA 92805