Pay-Day Someday is the classic sermon preached by Robert G. Lee, most commonly known as R.G. Lee. He preached this message over one thousand times during his lifetime. You will discover that this message is still as valid and as powerful today as it ever was.
Robert Greene Lee was born to sharecroppers in York County, South Carolina in 1886. Growing up working the farm, picking cotton and going to Fort Mill Baptist Church, he made a profession of faith and was baptized at age twelve. From that moment, he felt both a call to preach and the need to be properly educated to fulfill that call. Though his access to formal education was limited in his early life, he exhibited a love of learning that stayed with him throughout his life. As a boy, he trapped rabbits and sold peanuts to earn money for tutoring in Latin. When, at sixteen, he met Dr. Edwin Poteat, President of Furman University, he learned of Furman Fitting School where he would eventually do his preparatory work for college. Despite his desire to receive an education, he vowed to stay on the farm and help his family until he was twenty-one. He then borrowed the money for passage to Panama where he worked on construction of the Panama Canal for nine months to raise enough money for his first year of preparatory school.
After returning from Panama in 1908, he enrolled in the Furman Fitting School. In addition to his studies, he worked delivering newspapers and carrying laundry, having given most of his Panama money to his father to pay farm debts. He completed preparatory studies in algebra, English, geometry, Greek and Latin and enrolled in Furman University the following year. While at Furman he began his ministry, pastoring small churches. He was ordained April 3, 1909 in the same Fort Mill Baptist Church where he had been baptized. His skill and reputation as an orator was recognized early on and he was soon able to earn enough by his preaching that he no longer had to work odd jobs. In all, he served twelve different churches while a student