Paris Reidhead (1919 – 1992
Paris Reidhead Was a Christian missionary, teacher, writer, and advocate of economic development in impoverished nations. A spiritual crisis during this periodas he described two decades later in what is probably his best-known recorded teaching, “Ten Shekels and a Shirt”–left Reidhead with the conviction that much of evangelicalism had adopted utilitarian and humanistic philosophies contradictory to Biblical teaching. The end of all being, he came to believe, was not the happiness of man, but the glorification of God. This theme would recur throughout his later teaching.
Since Mr. Reidhead’s death in 1992, Bible Teaching Ministries, Inc. continues under the leadership of his wife, Marjorie, and daughter, Virginia Teitt, a dedicated Board, and the many people who have donated time and talent after being changed by Gods Word through this message. The message of the Gospel is reaching an ever-widening audience all over the world.
Evidence of Eternal Life – Part 1
Walking In The Light
by Paris Reidhead
Evidence of Eternal Life – Part 2
Keeping His Commandments
by Paris Reidhead
Evidence of Eternal Life – Part 3
Loving Ones Brother
by Paris Reidhead
Evidence of Eternal Life – Part 4
Not Loving The World
by Paris Reidhead
Evidence of Eternal Life – Part 5
Abiding In Christ
by Paris Reidhead
Evidence of Eternal Life – Part 6
Hating Sin
by Paris Reidhead
Evidence of Eternal Life – Part 7
Witness Of The Spirit
by Paris Reidhead
Evidence of Eternal Life – Part 8
Overcoming The World
by Paris Reidhead