The church does not exist apart from Christ, her Head. The Church is defined in terms of its relation to Christ. In this message, Dr. John MacArthur will explore what the Bible teaches regarding Christ as the Head of the church and the church as His body. This message is from Ligonier Ministries 2006 National…
Dr. Roger Spradlin On Monday evening, June 19, 2023 Pastor Roger delivered a powerful and moving sermon from 2 Timothy 4 at a special men’s night event. This is the first message that he has given since his cancer diagnosis in October 2022 and subsequent treatments. Visit Valley Baptist Church
Dr. Voddie Baucham Dr. Baucham delivered this series while Pastor at Grace family Baptist Church in Texas. He shows how the Great Commission has existed since the Old Testament, and explains how missionaries should be sent. Missions Part 1 Missions Part 2 Missions Part 3 Visit Voddie Baucham Ministries …
Dr. Sinclair Ferguson Christians do not have to be trapped by the trials and difficulties that weigh us down in a fallen world, for Christ promises to give us an easy yoke. In this session, Dr. Sinclair Ferguson expresses the hope we have in Christ, the One who gives us peace in a world…
by WA Crisswell, Jacksonville SBC 1998 Rev. W. A. Criswell speaking at the Pastors’ Conference at First Baptist Church, Jacksonville in 1998. This would be his last sermon before he passed away. In 1944 Criswell was called to replace George Washington Truett as the pastor of the First Baptist Church in Dallas. He would…
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